Energy efficiency - EE-METAL
Applying Energy Efficient measures for metal and metalworking SMEs and industry
EE-METAL is highly consistent with specific challenge to increase energy efficiency and saving within associated companies.
For this reason, project sets up a number of solutions that correspond on a combination of various actions and tools. These actions consist of:
- Energy Audit,
- implementation of the ISO 50 001 Energy Management System standard,
- implementation of the Energy Monitoring Systems (EMS/SCADA),
- workshops & trainings,
- international benchmarking.
General objective:
The overall objective of EE-METAL project is to encourage companies to identify cost-effective potential for delivering energy efficiency policies.
Additional figures to reach by the end of the project are:
- Energy savings of 447,55 GWh in the first 3 years.
- Investments in energy efficient technologies and renewable production of 54,20 M€.
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) not released of 110,56 ktCO2.
Benefits for companies:
Metal and Metalworking SMEs will be hold to carry out energy efficiency measures in order to gain several benefits, mainly:
- Obtaining important savings and investments in a short-term horizon;
- Increasing competitiveness and energy performance;
- Improving innovative technologies;
- Ameliorating the industrial and manufacturing energy efficiency management;
- Adopting innovative financial solutions.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N° 694638